Oct 3, 2011

4 step on how to teach children to hand washing properly

/ On : 8:29 PM
GladChild: Many children who do not washing their hands properly or even not at all. And germs can spread rapidly in children, triggering a pandemic flu, colds and other diseases.

Washing your hands the right way can help prevent the spread of bacteria, germs and disease. Help your child learn to washing their hands thoroughly and teach the correct way to clear.

Reporting from Livestrong on Monday October 4, 2011, here's are proper hand washing steps for children:
  1. Teach children to wash their hands every time you run out of small or large bowel movements, touching the animals, picking your nose, coughing or sneezing, playing sand or play dirty. Teach all children to wash their hands before eating or before handling any food. Make hand washing activity as a fun routine.
  2. Remind kids to take off rings or bracelets before washing your hands, so that all parts can be washed with either hand. Teach your child to wet hands thoroughly with warm water before using soap.
  3. Teach your child to add a few drops of soap and rub hands until foamy soap. Rub your hands with soap at least 20 seconds. To mark the time, children can sing the song that takes about 20 seconds, such as' Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.
  4. Tell the child to rinse hands with running water for 10 seconds to remove the soap. After that, dry hands with disposable paper towels or a clean towel and then use the towel to turn off the faucet.

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