Sep 27, 2011

Children can feel stress of his parents

/ On : 2:04 AM
GladChild: If you're stressed about tour work, although you are thinking or trying to hide from the kids, still anxiety and stress was wafted by them.

An article in mention how parents protect children from child anxiety and stress that it affects them physically and emotionally, more than you imagine.

Stress in the elderly can weaken the immune system and brain development in children. Increase the risk of allergies, obesity, and psychiatric disorders, said David Code, author of Kids Pick Up on Everything.

The study said that stress a parent feels the child could damage the system of their emotions and make deviant behavior out of habit. Stress is contagious between parents and their children, he said. Even when parents are unaware of their own anxiety.

The neurologists, as mentioned in the study, says that stress transmission from parent to child because the attunement or the human ability to feel empathy. Attunement is also a picture of the bond between mother and fetus. Parents and children are bound to one another, he said. It's more to the vibrations that we give to them.

Transmission of stress was not influenced by the origin and type of stress. From economic factors to the desire to be perfect parents for children can also increase stress and injure the child. From headaches, sleep disturbances, sensitive, and rapid emotional.

Therefore, Dr. Michelle L. Bailey, Director of Duke Integrative Medicine and author of Parenting Your Child Stressed Out, recommends that parents talk about their problems better by children with language that is understandable. Or make your mind relaxed parents because it helps the child indirectly to cope with stress.

A lot of stress is not due to reaction of the danger, but because of our own thoughts, he said. With more sensitive to give the children time to recognize their minds and choose how they chose to react rather than stress.

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