Aug 28, 2011

Breastfeeding can prevent intestinal infections in infants

/ On : 12:26 AM
GladChild: Infants who consumed breast milk as early as possible to avoid indigestion, and even avoid the deaths from intestinal infectious diseases.

Breast milk contains special bacteria, namely Lactobacillus bifidus  which is not harmful to the baby and grew rapidly in the gut of infants who consume breast milk.

Germs that cause changes in the intestine so that other germs such as bacteria E. coli can cause diarrheal illness could not develop in the infant gut.

Colostrums or breast milk for the first out, the liquid is rather thick and yellowish, contain antibodies against various diseases, including digestive diseases, whooping cough, pneumonia and encephalitis.

Breast milk also contains other important substances, i.e. substances that are useful complement to destroy bacteria so easy to eat the white blood cells and also serves as an antidote to allergies.

In addition, breast milk also contains lysozyme that can break the wall of bacteria, and the amount in breast milk is about 300 times more than cow milk.

A healthy mothers should breastfeed their babies with breast milk directly, because it contains various substances in addition to antibodies, breast milk also contains high protein and minerals that are useful to regulate bowel movements to normal.

Breastfeeding babies immediately after birth, also provide benefits for the mother, the womb of the mother is rapidly shrinking so that bleeding after childbirth will be reduced.

When the baby sucking mother's nipple, pituitary gland located under the brain will be stimulated to produce the hormone oxytocin, which serves to help the milk expenditures, besides giving a sense of calm in the capital and shrink the uterus.

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